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mardi 20 septembre 2016

Next 'GTA Online' expansion will make a biker out of you

Rockstar Games
Motorcycle gangs aren't exactly new ground for Grand Theft Auto, sure, butGTA Online will play host to the one percenters in the future. The refreshingly conservatively named "Bikers" expansion will add eight-player gangs, "a massive slate of new competitive and co-op gameplay," new properties to buy and a bunch of new bikes, according to a post onRockstar Newswire.
And what's a biker gang without tattoos and colors? Rockstar promises those in addition to "high-level, high-risk vehicle based business ventures" as well. The only bit missing? A release window. But that probably isn't far off. Meanwhile, you could always fire up the GTA IV expansion "The Lost and the Damned" to kill some time and see a digital Congressman's flaccid phallus.

Source: Rockstar Newswire
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